Thursday, September 15, 2011
"Life's about changin, nothin' ever stays the same..."
Well friends, two months worth of absence has certainly killed any momentum this little endeavor has gathered. Suffice it to say that life as I know it has been turned upside down and nothing seems to make sense all of the sudden. I am currently spending time with family far from my home in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Though I miss the green and the coast and my home dearly this break has been necessary. I have been taking lots and lots of photos and hope to be able to get back to work on my photography business very soon but that work may not be able to include this blog, at least not for a bit. The things going on in my life right now compel me to be spending my time very differently and the story in my heart that I have to tell is no longer very consistent with the beautiful photography that I love to shoot and the stories that I love to tell with the use of my photographs is not at a very beautiful place. That fact in and of itself is not something I am ashamed of or trying to hide. Life is not always beautiful and many lives these days are sadly too full of the ugliness that our world is so full of. As I sit here writing this from the East I am surrounded by flooding and devastation. In my month or so here I have experienced my very first earthquake, the outskirts of a hurricane that devastated my coastal neighbors to the North and South and now extreme rain and flooding all around the area where I was born and raised. Life is in fact ugly. This is not new. However, no matter how common the story we must never forget that to the people, the families, and the lives affected the story is always brand new no matter how many times they hear it, it is always raw, it is always devastating and life changing. This is my upside down life. A story so common these days it's easy to think it's not worth telling, but to me it is new, it is raw, and it is personally devastating. Job loss; families divided; personal loss of family members, pets; divorce; addiction; financial insecurity; and tumultuous weather patterns -- you name it whatever your story it is no less devastating than another persons, it is simply different. My story falls into a few of those categories as so many other stories do and I can only hope that I will have brighter days and a brighter outlook in the future. Brighter days that will allow me to share images of hope and life as it does in fact go on. Photography is my passion this little endeavor has been a dream of mine for so long I cannot even tell you when it began anymore I can only tell you that I will not abandon it, I simply must, yet again, focus my efforts elsewhere - hopefully for only a short amount of time. Dreams die hard, this little dream of mine will not go quietly and I will be return to it one day when I have more life to breath into it again.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Where is my inspiration....
So, I took a little break and tried to clear my head. I tried to reconnect with some friends and family that have slipped a little out of reach since our massive move. I cleaned, which tends to be good for my soul. I took long walks on the beach and I spent hours just sitting and playing with my daughter. And still I can't find it. Still, it feels empty.
I feel whole when I have purpose and direction and when people need me. I feel whole when i give in to the free spirited, wanderer in my soul. I feel whole after a hard, productive day at work. I feel whole while being creative. The utilitarian in me gets bent out of shape a bit when the pleasure seeker in me tries to triumph. The creative, free spirited side of me gets bent out of shape when everything becomes so utilitarian. This yin and yang, this balancing act is something I have become painfully aware of only in recent years. This seemed a much more natural process, something that worked it self out in the past. These days it is a much more conscious effort to maintain the balance of the necessary things and the things that are just plain good for the soul.
So, I have begun to list things that really make the very core of me tremble with joy and put my soul at ease
Here is the beginning of what is shaping up to be a long, long list:
Here is the beginning of what is shaping up to be a long, long list:
The Ocean
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All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2011. |
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2011. |
Friends and Family, this little girl
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2011. |
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2011. |
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2011. |
Singing, Nature
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2011. |
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2011. |
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2011. |
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2011. |
.... wait for it ...
I am so inspired daily by all of the beauty around me that I am happy as a clam behind that lens, shooting life away, capturing every moment and holding on to it dearly so as to never forget. Not one single moment. And then it hit me. All at once. Inspiration. There it is. There it has been all along. In the little daily things that make my heart sing. It is this that makes me who I am, this walking contradiction, this tigh-rope blanancing act of a practical modern day gypsy. Someone I am proud of being. I don't need to look so hard for the things that are right in front of me, always there, steady and constant and beautiful. This is my inspiration.
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
clear my head,
Monday, June 27, 2011
day fourty four....
I've skipped a few days. I have been making this such a chore and a commitment that I have already begun to see this part of it as work - already losing site of why I am here in the first place. The words have gotten less and less inspired and I have been letting the frustration of the lack of take off get to me more than I should. So, as promised in the beginning there would be changes, here they come. From now on I will not be doing daily posts. It has made this too much of a chore, versus a labor of love. Most of the posts don't really have any substance or any personality behind them. I feel very few of them really tell anything about who I am or what I am trying to do beyond the cut and dry explanation of it all. I hope to just get one post a week that is meaningful. Also, This will be taking a little more of a personal tone instead of being simply about the photo side of things. One thing that I learned from the contest (I did not win) is that anyone can sit and talk about black and white things like business success or not and stats of page visits and things but there is no human relate-ability aspect in that. The entry wanted links to your family blog and the photo you chose was to be featured on that blog with a link to the contest blog. I directed the judges to this blog, not my private family blog where it is all about us and the posts are much more heartfelt and inspired -- sorry guys but there are too many creepies out there, my family members and friends, almost all of whom are at a great distance from us, should not suffer because I can't trust the Internet at large. So, my family and friends have private viewership rights to the family blog. It isn't for the www to see. This is how I got to this place.... I couldn't put my finger on why I didn't feel good about entering the contest or why I don't like all of the "vote for me" and sponsorship messages from tons and tons of blogs out there and why my favorite blog is my favorite because the images and the words are inspired, inspiring and beautiful. It is obvious that the images and words come from the heart not a chore of a self imposed daily post in the hopes that it will help generate some happenings. Well, it is totally fine for some that is not who I am nor how I want my blog to be. This isn't about that for me and I can now say it felt wrong because it is wrong for me. It just doesn't fit. I am sure you could tell from the tone of the contest post that I wasn't exactly into the idea but I do think I need to start being more active and get out there a bit more so I tried something outside of my normal comfort zone. I chose wrong. The contest is great and wonderful and some great images came out of it and that's great. But it also is a lot about their readership, about their sponsorship, advertising, and their bid to get votes for other blog related contests. All things I really don't care about and don't intend to make this about. I am not saying it's wrong. This is obviously working for many blogs and there are plenty out there who the blog generates revenue for their families and businesses. I am not knocking that, that isn't the point. I am more so scolding myself for trying to fit into a place I knew I didn't fit all along. This blog is simply meant to be a venue, an outlet, to express my passion and creativity and to help my clients get to know me, my work, and my outlook a bit more. Thus far I am not sure I would be sending the right message on those accounts.....
So, things are changing a bit. 44 days into it I feel is long enough to know that this original direction isn't working very well. Sorry for the absence but it took a little time away to see that this needs to be something I enjoy. Starting today.
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
clear my head,
just a thought,
starting out,
wrong fit
Friday, June 24, 2011
To contest or not to contest....
"Gossip Girl" All Rights Reserved. Copy Right 2009. Lisa E Photography. |
So, after a lot of internal debate I decided to enter a contest with one of my favorite photos of my little one. The contest is "best shot of a child" with not too many other qualifiers except that you link everything back to the contest blog and whatnot. I guess I should think about something like that, talk about a traffic booster. So the "rules" were sorta tough since there are so few parameters. My choice has surprised many people who know my work and some of the photos I have taken of my little one thru the years, photographically speaking this is not necessarily my best shot, lighting, shadow, iso etc wise. This to me is one of the best shots that I have captured though in terms of emotion, personality, and general expression. I am not now, nor have I ever been that mom or photographer that only values the fake cheese smile. I prefer the shots that capture moments that will become memories. Shots that tell a little story. I will pick these shots over the perfect photo every day. I prefer to photograph in a lifestyle, photojournalist sort of way. This is why ultimately I would like to be shooting families, on location, with only natural light. To me that is best. That's just me. There is a whole set of people out there who disagree with that, but there are a ton of people who agree with that though too so it is what it is, that's just me. Today I am feeling a bit grumpy and overwhelmed because that precious girl in the photos is in a mood, let me tell you. But at the end of the day she is normally the sweet ray of sunshine pictured above, playing games, acting silly -- she has been a comedian and little entertainer since day one. Anyways, there are 300 entries currently, the contest closes tonight. Wish me luck! I will keep you posted as I hear any news.
Check out the blog and contest here.... Paper Mama
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
Monday, June 20, 2011
day thirty seven....
New in the shop tonight!!! Check it out on Etsy! All rights reserved. Copy right 2011. Lisa E. Photography. |
Shop Update Success!! Finally!!! Sorry it took so long! I have three new listings for post cards of my images. Swing on by - the link is conveniently located to the right of this post on my front page. Anxious to see how the feedback goes from this offering, my blog traffic is really picking up or at least I have some steady readers. Either way I am very excited and pleased to offer these new items. Thank you to all of you reading along!
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
starting out,
thank you
Sunday, June 19, 2011
day thirty six...
"Detroit Lake" (unedited) All rights reserved. Copy right 2011. Lisa E. Photography. |
Happy Father's Day to all you amazing, wonderful dad's out there. I know I have always been quite the daddy's girl and I am so enjoying watching my daughter with her daddy every day as their relationship changes as she grows. I have always had strong wonderful men in my life - Pappy M. who I wish I would have known longer, Pappy Pete who I miss terribly, Daddy who I wish I could see everyday and yet is still there for me anytime I need him, my brother - like night and day we are but neither is complete without the other, and then it seems we are not so night and day after all; and now my husband and my daughters daddy - we always seem to weather the storms looking and feeling better than before them. Here's to the continuation of this crazy, complicated, wonderful journey and hoping we continue to make each other better for it, everyday. All my love, appreciation, respect, and thanks to all my favorite men, father and grandfathers. Happy Daddy's day.
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
Detroit Lake,
Father's Day,
Pacific North West,
thank you
Saturday, June 18, 2011
day thrity five....
"Sweet Bird" All rights reserved. Copy right 2011. Lisa E. Photography. |
Wow, you guys continue to amaze me. Suddenly in just one day, seemingly out of nowhere (I still haven't parted with any of my cute new cards!) today I had 22 views. That is awesome. I know some of you reading may have way more successful blogs yourselves and surely visit blogs with a lot more views, followers and stuff going on for them. But for little, tiny, brand new me this is huge! Tons of thanks and love again to those of you that are the usual suspects and hi, hello, hola, and good day to the new kids. I really feel that for me to be even this far along in such a short amount of time is wonderful. I hope to have time to update the shop this weekend but with it being Father's Day I will be good to myself and not demand too much of myself so I have more to give to my family this weekend. Isn't that really what this is all about anyways?!
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
Father's Day,
starting out,
thank you,
Friday, June 17, 2011
day thirty four.....
Thank you! All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography |
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
business cards,
thank you,
Thursday, June 16, 2011
day thirty three...
The back of the new cards... |
A few shown with front and back... |
"They're heeeerreeee!! They're here, they're here, they're here!!!!" - me (!)
Yay!!!! The long anticipated business cards have arrived. They are a spin on a business card, it's no fun to be like all the rest when you don't have to be! Aren't they cute! And they have a great matte finish and feel just soft and wonderful to the touch! Yes, I am gushing about business cards at the moment. I love them oh so much, so much so that I am having a hard time doing with them what is meant to be done with business cards.... you know like hand them out and leave them behind places and such. It's hard! Luckily the print house keeps everything on file and I can reorder the EXACT thing again when I am ready, no need to get too bent out of shape about letting them go! I want to write little codes on them and somehow track which ones brought business in, not sure how to accomplish that yet but I am working on it. I am also very encouraged by the feed back I am getting from family, friends, and co-workers who have seen some of the things I have been dreaming up. I am pretty sure I have a few sales already just waiting on my to figure out the logistics!! This has totally renewed all of my excitement and the feeling that this is all worth it. Slow going or not! Watch for a shop update in the next few days as well.
Holy Cow!! That's a lot of cards! |
Yep, there are pretty much no two a like! |
100 business cards hot off the press and ready to find new homes! |
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
business cards,
starting out,
thank you
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
day thirty two....
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"Raindrops on roses" (unedited) All rights reserved. Copy right 2011. Lisa E. Photography. |
Blame it on the rain.... Today is gray and so I feel pretty blah myself. The good news is I think my cards will be here tomorrow and I am so super stoked to see them. In the mean time I am going to stay in, lay low, and go snuggle up with the family and watch a movie. Doesn't that sound just perfect. Yep, it does to me too.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
day thirty one...
"The lion sleeps tonight" (unedited) All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography. |
We've talked about Tuesdays before. This one is no exception. It's been a looong day. So without further adieu - good night!
Monday, June 13, 2011
day thirty....
"Sugar" (unedited) All Rights Reserved. Copy Right 2011. Lisa E. Photography. |
Yay!!!!! Official confirmation that the business cards shipped, just a few more days now. Days that will be spent at work, so I am sure they will go by quickly. My life is one big blur right now. Work days are busy so they fly, days at home are equally busy and totally wonderful so they fly, weekends are fun and busy and happy and wonderful so they fly... somehow I need to begin to slow down time, just a smidgen.
Until I figure that one out, I try to make the most out of every moment. Including writing posts in three short bursts if necessary. Such as today, I have 10 minutes so I format the post and what not. Some other 10 free minutes I will write the post. In another fleeting few minutes I will choose, upload, and tag the photo of choice. If I have a little extra time I find a fitting quote to go with the post and photo, if not that part goes missing, which stinks because that is one of my favorite parts of the earlier posts. Then in every free moment I get I am checking the stats, the traffic, trying to get a feel for my readers. I have some now I think, thank you; you silent, nameless, faithful supporters. I appreciate each of you, your time, and your quiet support. I see that you are here and I appreciate you. I think when my business cards arrive it will be a good time to do a grand opening launch and perhaps a give away is in order....Yeah... that sounds lovely. I will try to rack up some support and have a little blog party opening in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
give away,
grand opening,
thank you,
Sunday, June 12, 2011
day twenty nine....
"Serenity" (unedited) All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography |
Feeling the work week creeping up on me just around the corner and still feeling no better about clearing my head. Today is a day to get away a bit and try to relax. Off to Detroit Lake to do some thinking....
What a beautiful place with regenerative qualities. The only catch is it has some striking similarities to a favorite home town spot and it made me a bit home sick. Still good for the soul either way.
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
clear my head,
Detroit Lake,
get away,
starting out,
Saturday, June 11, 2011
day twenty eight...
"Stolen Moment" (unedited) All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography |
What a great family fun day. Today was our first weekend trip downtown as a family and boy was it fun! There is so much going on and we had a blast!! The Saturday market, the Rose Festival, Fleet Week, Dragon Boat Races, all kinds of things going on. What a great time! And some great photo opportunities!
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
clear my head,
starting out
Friday, June 10, 2011
day twenty seven...
"Essayons" (unedited) All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography. |
Another weekend approaches and not much to report. Still feeling the need to clear my head and just overall feeling a little stalled at the moment. There are a lot of large things looming in my life at the moment and I feel temporarily on hold. In many regards. The photo things feels on hold until the business cards come in and I can then launch some portfolio building specials. I have been working on building a portfolio of professional images worth selling on Etsy and that has been time consuming and the ever growing debate of to edit or not to edit and if so how much keeps coming around. It is the editing that is time consuming and the programs can be costly so it adds cost to the finished product, obviously. I think it is a debate I will most likely have for quite some time with myself and friends and family and hopefully someday with clients. In the mean time I am liking a lot of the unedited photos I have been taking lately. I think that editing make just about any image great and the goal is to understand lighting and angles etc so that little editing is required, right? Anyways, I will just keep on moving forward and keep trying and keep remembering that this is something that brings me such great joy and I need to have patience for that to turn into something successful.
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
clear my head,
just a thought,
Thursday, June 9, 2011
day twenty six...
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"Mellow Yellow" All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography. |
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
business cards,
fish eye,
starting out,
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
day twenty five....
"Cathedral Rock, Sedona, AZ" (Archive photo, unedited) All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography |
Whoa, crazy day in the life of Lisa E. Think I need a little (or a lot) of self time and reflection. I find myself longing for Oak Creek and Sedona and just a place to clear my head. I am still looking for that place here, still too new to know where my safe harbour might be. It might be the coast, it might be the forest, it might be the city streets, it might be the mountains... tomorrow is a beach day I think. Just the little and I and the vast ocean. Yep... I think that sounds like a plan, tomorrow. Oh wait, it will have to be Friday because... on then Friday won't work because... maybe Saturday but then we'd miss the market... Sunday could work. Yeah, maybe Sunday. Until then....
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
clear my head,
farmers market,
get away,
oak creek,
starting out,
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
day twenty four....
I hate Tuesday's. There I said it. Tuesday's are the devil in a blue dress in my current schedule. I think that Tuesday's should be spent in bed under the covers with a good book or favorite movie, cup of joe or bevie of choice, and the comfy-est sweats and such you own. Surely we can get this passed in congress or something. Tuesday's 1 : Photo-biz progress --. Chalk it up as a loss and move on.
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
good photography,
just a thought,
starting out,
Monday, June 6, 2011
day twenty three....
"Patina" All rights reserved. Copy Right 2011. Lisa E. Photography. |
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
starting out
Sunday, June 5, 2011
day twenty two....
"Picnic" (unedited) All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography. |
Well, we finally got the heat we have been asking for and with that humidity. Since we were in the sun all day yesterday we thought a little shade might be nice today so we went to a favorite spot of ours and had a little picnic lunch. It was a great day to play outside and that made for some great photo opportunities. I didn't spend much time working on the biz side of things again today but I feel ok about that. I think it will all come together and in the mean time I am getting a lot of picture taking practice!
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
play ground,
starting out,
Saturday, June 4, 2011
day twenty one....
"Lemon Chiffon" (unedited) All rights reserved. Copyright 2001. Lisa E. Photography. |
Today was a full day! We were up and off to the farmers market bright and early. We had a blast and were VERY productive. I am proud to say that 95% of our groceries for our week of meals was purchased local, fresh, and organic! How does this relate to the progress of my photography biz, well it gets in the way of it that's how!! The weather is just too nice to be inside working on my shop and blog and such and I enjoy the weekends too much to pass up the chance to get out and about so I try to turn our adventures into picture taking opportunities that allow me to sort of be working at the same time. Building an image archive for lots of things. So, with that in mind, after the market we visited a local flower farm that we learned about from their stand at our market. Peonies are in season now and this farm has an impressive collection open to the public to visit and purchase these beautiful flowers. I took lots of great photos of the flowers and so I kept my promise to keep working on the photo stuff in some way every day. I will be adding some of these to my Etsy shop soon so watch for that in the coming days, I am waiting on a little project to be complete and then will be adding some more items to the shop.
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
starting out,
Friday, June 3, 2011
day twenty...
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Etsy Shop Banner All rights reserved, Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography |
Well, I officially have the shop open on Etsy, I am adding things little by little. Today I made a banner and added that to the shop page. I think that helps spruce things up a bit! I keep working on things behind the scenes so the posting is light for now. I hope to have more to share as things progress and being to pick up. I am encouraged by all the traffic on Etsy and now plan to just keep chugging along. Happy Weekend all!
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"Cactus Blossom" All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography |
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
cactus blossom,
cactus flower,
starting out,
Thursday, June 2, 2011
day nineteen....
"Turnip Greens" Archive Photo All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography |
Ready for the work week to be over, already dreaming of the farmers market this weekend. Looking forward to some fresh finds. Not as fresh as picking it yourself like in the photo above, but still pretty darn fresh! Can't wait. Still fighting some sort of stomach bug so it's signing off early for me tonight.
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
farmers market,
starting out,
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
day eighteen....
"Here's lookin at you Kid" Archive photo All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography. |
In a word, sick. Tonight is a no go on the computer work. I feel pretty terrible. Be back as soon as I am feeling better.
In other news, my Etsy shop is open and slowly growing. Go check it out! (see the link on the right)
Good night!
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
starting out
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
day seventeen...
"Flight Dreams" All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography |
Ok, I'm takin a day off! I have been working on all of this behind the scenes non-stop. In between work and daughter and husband and dog and dinner and the list goes on. Last night I was up way too late working on this photo stuff. I need to get a good nights sleep and come back fresh. I have so many ideas swimming in my head about all of this and I hope to have some new items in my shop very soon. Happy Tuesday evening all!
Monday, May 30, 2011
day sixteen...
"Cotton Candy" All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography |
Memorial Day and it comes with very exciting news!!!! I have officially launched the next step of this project. It is an addition of an Etsy page to sell some select images. I plan to do much more with this like offering post cards etc. But I need to do some test printing of that sort of thing before offering those sorts of items. I have a few thoughts up my sleeve for multiple uses for these images and will probably gradually add to my offering based on successes and failures. I am very pleased and excited to share with you Lisa E Photography (on Etsy)! Lots more to come and this will probably become a main focus of mine until I can begin to really offer sessions to clients as I build my portfolio. Thanks for reading and taking the time to check out my shop.
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" - Eleanor Roosevelt
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" - Eleanor Roosevelt
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
cherry blossoms,
good photography,
starting out
Sunday, May 29, 2011
day fifteen...
"Iris" (unedited) All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography. |
"Iris 2" (unedited) All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography. |
"Iris 3" (unedited) All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography. |
Still enjoying our long family weekend and the relatively good weather. Any time I have for the photo biz is being spent organizing and getting ready to launch this in full swing. Luckily all of our fun times are allowing for more photo opportunities. Time will tell where they factor in to this project, if at all, but practice is always great and I am so truly happy just snapping away at the world. Any success that comes from that is icing on the cake! Happy Memorial Day all!! Safe and happy celebrating.
"Daisy from my Daughter" (unedited) All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography. |
Labels: photography, family, lifestyle, new
memorial day,
starting out
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