Saturday, June 18, 2011

day thrity five....

"Sweet Bird"
All rights reserved. Copy right 2011. Lisa E. Photography.

Wow, you guys continue to amaze me. Suddenly in just one day, seemingly out of nowhere (I still haven't parted with any of my cute new cards!) today I had 22 views. That is awesome. I know some of you reading may have way more successful blogs yourselves and surely visit blogs with a lot more views, followers and stuff going on for them. But for little, tiny, brand new me this is huge! Tons of thanks and love again to those of you that are the usual suspects and hi, hello, hola, and good day to the new kids. I really feel that for me to be even this far along in such a short amount of time is wonderful. I hope to have time to update the shop this weekend but with it being Father's Day I will be good to myself and not demand too much of myself so I have more to give to my family this weekend. Isn't that really what this is all about anyways?!

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