Thursday, June 9, 2011

day twenty six...

"Mellow Yellow"
All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography.
Finally my (shockingly long) short work week is over and I can get back to my family and my photography. My two loves in this world. I keep anxiously checking the status of the business cards and it seems they are all printed up and just waiting to be shipped. Hooray!!!! I can't wait to see them. I was a little intimidated by doing them myself, at least this first run, it feels too important and I really want them to have that professional feel. I am all about home made, hand made, and all the rest but in some cases I think the end result of having a print house handle my business cards is necessary as they have expertise and equipment that I simply do not. Sure I can do small batch orders of things like simple save the dates, post cards, etc. But we are talking 100+ business cards that each showcase a different photo from my portfolio. I mean, really, how can I pull that off without spending way too much time, time that I am fighting to find to work on the photography stuff in the first place.

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