Monday, June 13, 2011

day thirty....

All Rights Reserved. Copy Right 2011. Lisa E. Photography.

Yay!!!!! Official confirmation that the business cards shipped, just a few more days now. Days that will be spent at work, so I am sure they will go by quickly. My life is one big blur right now. Work days are busy so they fly, days at home are equally busy and totally wonderful so they fly, weekends are fun and busy and happy and wonderful so they fly... somehow I need to begin to slow down time, just a smidgen.  

Until I figure that one out, I try to make the most out of every moment. Including writing posts in three short bursts if necessary. Such as today, I have 10 minutes so I format the post and what not. Some other 10 free minutes I will write the post. In another fleeting few minutes I will choose, upload, and tag the photo of choice. If I have a little extra time I find a fitting quote to go with the post and photo, if not that part goes missing, which stinks because that is one of my favorite parts of the earlier posts. Then in every free moment I get I am checking the stats, the traffic, trying to get a feel for my readers. I have some now I think, thank you; you silent, nameless, faithful supporters. I appreciate each of you, your time, and your quiet support. I see that you are here and I appreciate you. I think when my business cards arrive it will be a good time to do a grand opening launch and perhaps a give away is in order....Yeah... that sounds lovely. I will try to rack up some support and have a little blog party opening in the next few weeks. Stay tuned! 

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