Saturday, May 21, 2011

day seven...

"Autumn Reflecting..." BEFORE
All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography.

I have lost a little steam the past few days. Weekends are going to be very hard. Not simply from a working on this project perspective but also from the viewership side as well. NO hits since Friday. Ouch. Feeling a little less than awesome about that. Still no followers and no comments and now no views. I know this is not going to be an overnight success but I had hoped that there would be a little interest as I am planning to launch yet another side to this very soon. I guess it doesn't change anything really I can still see benefit in the next steps and still want to see this through and give it a decent shot. It's just growing pains.

"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will." - Vince Lombardi
"Autumn Reflecting..." AFTER
All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography.

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