Thursday, May 19, 2011

day five...

"Heavy with the Promise of Spring..."
All rights reserved. Copyright 2011. Lisa E. Photography.

My posting on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday is pretty wimpy. It's probably kind of going to be that way - at least for the time being. That is when I go to my "real job". As if being a mom and a wife and trying to start a side photography business isn't a real job...But I did have 5 whole views yesterday! My readership practically doubled from the historical data in just one day. Hooray!!!! My little one has been begging to go to see the otters so tomorrow we are going to the zoo to see the otters. Maybe some good pics will come of our visit. But me at the zoo with my 2 year old by myself does not typically lend itself to great photos!! Super excited to have some time with her though, equally excited in the upcoming days to keep working on this photography thing. I ran a few ideas by some of the smartest, most creative ladies I know and I am super stoked by their reactions and additional suggestions. VERY excited to put a few more things into play....Hope to be able to reveal at least some of those things on this blog before Tuesday rolls around again.

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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